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FairySource - Faery Magic for the New Earth

It’s Time to Speak Up for Faeries, Elves & Nature Spirits

Faeries, elves, and nature spirits are higher-vibrational beings of Middle Earth and the Underworlds. Angels are much like faeries in the Upper-worlds. In fact, faeries have been called angels of nature or angels of the Underworld in some traditions. Some even believe faeries are “fallen angels,” but that doesn’t ring true to me.

The Otherworlds exist in vibrations that are faster and less dense than ours, yet our worlds overlap. There is really no separation. These worlds include a wide variety of beings.

faeries elves nature spirits

Though some faeries may not be friendly to humans, others are eager to connect with us.

If you develop relationships with friendly faeries, they can become powerful co-workers and helpful companions. However, they will usually expect you to reciprocate in some way.

Trust your intuition about which faeries you can safely work with. This is even more important with faeries than it is with other humans.


Faeries may make requests or ask you for favors. It is up to you to decide whether you agree or not.

Don’t ever give your word or make a promise to a faery, unless you can be sure to keep it! And never lie to them or try to trick them. You will do so at your own risk!

Do You Believe in Faeries?

In our contemporary world, people often ridicule those who “believe in faeries.” However, those people have simply forgotten their natural ability to perceive beyond the veil of the material world. You can be sure their ancestors knew and respected faery beings.

Unfortunately, our modern lack of awareness of these Otherworldly inhabitants has brought about a trivialization of faeries in the media, on the one hand, and a rampant disregard for the spirits of nature (and Nature itself) on the other. It is time to change that!

I will assume, since you are reading this page, that you believe, or at least suspect that faeries are real. You may be one of the ambassadors of the faery realm who are here to help reawaken humans to the reality of faery beings.

Keeper of the Trees copyright Bernadette Wulf - faeries elves nature spirits
Keeper of the Trees © Bernadette Wulf

Keeper of the Trees

I painted Keeper of the Trees many years ago, because the faeries wanted me to show how I experience them. To me, they never look like cute little Tinkerbell cartoons or sexy Gothic girls with wings. I usually see them as light beings. They may or may not have wings.

In the physical world, faeries sometimes appear to me as sparkles from the corner of my eye, or as faces peering out from trees, bushes, or stones.

Once, I saw a group of them that looked very much like the small faeries in this painting. And of course, I also see them with my inner vision where they often look like the tall being in the painting, usually without wings.

However, don’t be discouraged if you don’t see faeries at all.

I believed in and felt the faeries for a long time before I ever saw or heard them. What is most important is that you learn to feel and respect their presence and that you take good care of Nature.

If you are brave enough to stick your neck out and let the world know you believe in faeries, that is even better. The more we speak truth about the faery realm, the more people will wake up to remember their ancient connection with our faery cousins in the Otherworlds – and THAT may be the key to uplifting our entire planet.
